- Tommy Tune & Buskers
- Charley Marionette
- Taffy, Philip Huber,
- & Marcia Lewis Bryan
- Tommy Tune & Darcie Roberts
- Mark Lee Nelson
- & Darcie Roberts


- Set Design Tony Walton
- Costumes Willa Kim
- Photos: Martha Swope
- Russ Musarra - Beacon Journal
- Stage Door Charley is set in London in 1938, on the eve of World War
II. Writer AJ. Carothers' story is an adaptation of a British film,
St. Martins Lane, about a busker (street entertainer) and his love for
a stagestruck younger woman.
- The score by Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman captures the sound and
feel of the era's music while advancing the story line with meaningful
- Tune plays Charley Baxter, who comes from a long line of buskers. He
is content with his life of performing on the sidewalk outside the
West End theaters until he befriends Libby St. Alban, a jobless,
homeless 22-year-old woman who dreams of being onstage - inside the
- A chorus of 10 buskers, all dressed in ragged suits and mismatched
shoes identical to Tune's outfit, are showcased with the star from the
beginning to the end in numbers titled Blow Us a Kiss, Busker Alley,
Tap 'Appy Feet, Strays, What'll I Do With 'Er and Charley the Busker.
- Remember the scene from Singin' in the Rain in which Gene Kelly
dances with a lamppost? Picture 11 dancers and 11 lampposts.
- Charley brings Libby into his world, teaching her the busker, trade,
and she inspires the formation of a quartet, including the talents
of two older performers, Gladys. (Marcia Lewis), whose specialty is a
number called Hula Love Song, and Arthur (Robert Nichols), who recites
lines from Shakespeare in no particular order
- Arthur’s romantic interest in Gladys comically mirrors Charley's
love for Libby, especially in the older couple's duet, Mates.
- Gladys' sidekick is a shaggy white dog - a realistic marionette
operated by Phillip Huber of the Huber Marionettes.
- The dog was the darling of the 2,OOO-plus crowd Wednesday night as
was another marionette named Charley, which was a miniature version of
the star and performed two numbers with him.
- Libby is content with her life until composer Prentiss James (Lee
Mark Nelson) and producer Beardsley (Drew Eliot) give her a chance to
join the chorus of a show. She accepts the offer, breaking Charley's
heart, giving Tune the opportunity to sing a bluesy number called Tin
Whistle Tune.
- Rounding out the sophisticated world Libby has joined are a stuckon-himself
stage star, Victor Duchesi (Brent Barrett), and Elaine Claire (Laurie
Gamache), the leading lady Libby replaces.
- In these days of high-tech extravaganzas in which helicopters land
onstage, it was refreshing to see a simple story come to life against
a background of catchy tunes and simple sets.
- Tommy Tune & Buskers
- Phillip Huber, Tommy Tune,
- & Charley Marionette
- Taffy
- Marcia Lewis Bryan
- & Robert Nichols
- Darcie Roberts, Drew Elliot,
- & Brent Barrett
- Tommy Tune & Buskers